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Welcome to PyreSwap! - The Short Version

The following provides a brief overview of PyreSwap and the Greater PyreSwap Ecosystem.

For a more comprehensive exposition of PyreSwap, please read The Long Version.


PyreSwap is an automated market-maker (AMM) and a decentralized exchange (DEX).

Like other DEXs, it allows users to swap tokens as well as provide liquidity.

Unlike other DEXs, PyreSwap's areas of focus include:

  • A unique approach to what is called "GameFi."

  • Vastly improving user literacy and understanding pertaining to the benefits of providing liquidity.

  • Challenging the dogma of "Conventional DeFi" pertaining to the conceptuality of DEXs, AMMs, and tokenomics.

The remainder of this documentation will explain how PyreSwap aims to achieve these objectives.

The Greater PyreSwap Ecosystem

PyreSwap is an ecosystem project that provides utility value, use case, and supply management to tokens that existed prior to its inception, and previously had none.

These tokens originate from other applications, which through their aggregation and by their integration, make up what is called the Greater PyreSwap Ecosystem (GPSE).

The following dApps are part of the GPSE, and thus also the Seigniorage Circus Hegemony, organized by their network of origin.


  1. 2omb Finance
  2. 3omb Finance
  3. Zomb Finance


  1. Snowtomb Finance
  2. Frozentomb Finance
  3. Affogato Finance

BNB Smart Chain:

  1. Dibs Money
  2. Ribs Money
  3. Hoggy Finance

PyreSwap's roadmap phases allow for expansion to other networks and the inclusion of additional dApps into the GPSE.


PyreSwap's inception brings with it new DeFi invention!

Exciting as that may be, these new instruments might seem more complicated than the DeFi mechanisms of previous years.

Thus, PyreSwap is not considered a beginner-friendly DEX.

If you are new to DeFi, it is recommended you learn the basics of decentralized exchange elsewhere first, then return to PyreSwap after you feel comfortable enough with its concepts to familiarize yourself with more advanced mechanisms.

If you have less than a year's experience with DEX usage, you are encouraged to question your own temptation to immerse yourself in PyreSwap, and return when you have gained sufficient experience.

PyreSwap is also currently in beta testing, and has not at this time received any certification or report for external auditing. Rather, several components PyreSwap is comprised of, for the sake of making up its underlying infrastructure, are considered to be audited by inheritance.

During PyreSwap's beta testing phase, everything categorized by "normal DEX function" is forked from the open-sourced and licensed codebase of Uniswap and/or SushiSwap, and therefore has received auditing through its source.

Additionally, everything in the GPSE categorized by "normal seigniorage dApp function" is forked from the open-sourced and licensed codebase of Tomb Finance and/or Basis Cash, and therefore has received auditing through their sources.

However, there are components of PyreSwap that do not fall into either of the above two categories, and thus should be mentioned in contrast. Specifically:

  1. The meeding function. (That which can be interacted with on the "Meed" page.)
  2. The Incantation WitchVault, or IWV. (That which can be interacted with on the "Stake" page.)

As well as any additional infrastructure that interface with these two mechanisms:

  1. The Epoch system, and its various integrations.
  2. The SummoningCircle, and its sequence of operations.
  3. The MaxSwap peripheral smart contract, and its interface.
  4. The pyreAVAX, pyreBNB, amd pyreFTM tokens.

Interaction with these mechanisms during beta testing are at your own risk, and by participating in beta, you explicitly consent to an all-encompassing and ubiquitary indemnification.

However, at the time of this original writing, there has not been any observed activity that implies an exploitation vector exists in any of these components.

Additionally, these components do not function as perceived "safe storage places" for large sums of money or any other valuable inventory, meaning they do not fit the profile of what is generally considered "psychologically attractive" to bad actors in DeFi and web3.


A widespread acronym used throughout web3 is NFA, which means "Not Financial Advice."

To be explicitly clear about NFA: Nothing in this documentation, nor in the official or unofficial communication channels associated with PyreSwap, and/or the Seigniorage Circus, constitutes financial advice or investment advice of any kind.

In addition to NFA, PyreSwap also has an NFB policy. This acronym means "Not For Beginners."

While it is completely feasible to succeed at learning PyreSwap's mechanisms as a beginner, it is not necessarily likely to happen, at least not the first time.

Understanding PyreSwap might take practice! This statement is not intended as discouragement.

Rather, the good news is that every advancement in DeFi was once like this.


  • the first DEX
  • the first DEX aggregator
  • the first bridge
  • the first lending platform
  • the first collateralized stablecoin
  • the first yield optimization platform

first became introduced to DeFi, everyone who interacted with them was also a beginner.

However, since PyreSwap's design represents an increase in mechanism complexity compared to its predecessors, it is recommended that users establish familiarity with what the aforementioned applications are, before attempting to advance to PyreSwap, and the components that make up its greater ecosystem.

Tutorials and educational information about PyreSwap will continue to be produced over time, in parallel with PyreSwap's roadmap.

Do not warn me again, I blame only myself.
Do not warn me again, I blame only myself.
Not For Beginners
Not For Beginners
Not A Beginner-Friendly DEX, but with Alec Baldwin
Not A Beginner-Friendly DEX, but with Alec Baldwin