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Welcome to PyreSwap! - Frequently Asked Questions

What is that font, and why do I hate it so much?

The font most commonly seen in PyreSwap's aesthetic is named Alagard, by Hewett Tsoi.

There is also some auxiliary usage of Alkhemikal and Quadrunde, by

Some additional fonts may be added in later phases of PyreSwap's roadmap.

The option for a user to select which font they want to see displayed has been implemented in the short-term, which is a feature that will be improved upon over time.

The fonts were selected from a group of two dozen (24) fonts that fit the theme of PyreSwap, and they were actually the most legible and useful.

If you truly despise them, you are encouraged to find someone willing to make a custom font just for PyreSwap, that somehow maximizes legibility and also stays aligned with the theme of pixelated retro-game imagery, and contact the Seigniorage Circus to submit it.

Coming Soon!